FDC supports advanced Settings for software, which is convenient for engineers to debug software.

1.Software Settings -> Advanced Settings.

Engineer Mode Open for internal use by engineers
Enable Simulate After opening, simulated data will be generated for convenient display and debugging
Display Offline Device History When this option is turned on, the software will display history offline devices in the interface
Debug Options used to input debug parameters to control the behavior of the software. Currently only the __skip_scan__debug option is supported
Concurrent Max Workers Number Set the maximum concurrent number of thread pool used when scanning and operating devices in the software
Ping Interval The interval time for the online detection of the scanning device
Web Section Timeout The WEB session timeout period after which the software will try to log in to the WEB again before operating the device
UCI Config Detect Interval check the number of UCI files in the device regularly

You can press Reset to restore the default Settings

Engineer Mode:


Display Offline Device History:

Author:Gloria  Create time:2023-12-29 11:22
Last editor:Gloria  Update time:2024-01-03 16:34