The following table lists the parameters you can use to configure local logging.

Parameter SyslogEnable
Description It enables or disables the phone to record log locally.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 1
Web UI Administration > Management > System Log Setting > Enable Syslog
Parameter SyslogLevel
Description It configures the level of local log information.
Permitted Values INFO
Default INFO
Web UI Administration > Management > System Log Setting > Syslog Level

The following table lists the parameters you can use to configure syslog logging.

Parameter RemoteSyslogEnable
Description It enables or disables the phone to upload log messages to the syslog server in real time.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 0
Web UI Administration > Management > System Log Setting > Enable Remote Syslog
Parameter RemoteSyslogServer
Description It configures the IP address or domain name of the syslog server when exporting log to the syslog server.
Permitted Values IP Address
Default Blank
Web UI Administration > Management > System Log Setting > Remote Syslog Server
Author:admin  Create time:2023-09-20 14:46
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-07-29 16:00