The following table lists the parameters you can use to configure Wi-Fi.

Parameter RadioOff
Description It activates or deactivates the Wi-Fi mode.

Note: It works only if “static.wifi.function.enable” is set to 1 (Enabled).
Permitted Values 0-Disabled
Default 0
Web UI Wireless > Basic > Radio On/Off
Phone UI Menu > Basic > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi
Description It configures the SSID of a specific wireless network.SSID is a unique identifier for accessing wireless access points.

Note: It works only if “static.wifi.enable” is set to 1 (Enabled).
Permitted Values ASCII code from 1 to 32 in length
Default Blank
Web UI Wireless > Basic > Multiple SSID
Phone UI Menu > Basic > Wi-Fi > Known Network(s) > Add > SSID
Parameter wireless_connection_mode
Description It disable or enable the AP mode.
Permitted Values on-AP
Default Repeater
Web UI Wireless > Basic > AP Switch
Description It configures the transmission protocol in 2.4G mode.
Permitted Values 0-11b/g mixed mode
1-11b only
2-11g mode
3-11b/g/n mixed mode
4-11n only
Default 3
Web UI Wireless > Basic > Network Mode
Parameter NotBroadcastSSIDEmptyProbeAction
Description It configures the transmission protocol in 2.4G mode.
Permitted Values enable
Default 0
Web UI Wireless > Basic > broadcast (SSID)
Parameter Channel
Description It configures 2.4GWIFI working transmission channel.
Permitted Values Channel
Default auto
Web UI Wireless > Basic > Frequency (Channel)
Parameter HT_OpMode
Permitted Values 0-mixed mode
1-Green Field
Default 0
Web UI Wireless > Basic > HT Physical Mode Operating Mode
Description It configures the channel bandwidth.
Permitted Values 0-20
Default 0
Web UI Wireless > Basic > Channel BandWidth
Description It configures the security mode of a specific wireless network.
Permitted Values OPEN
Default Blank
Web UI Wireless > Wireless > Wireless Connection > connect > Authentication
Wireless > Wireless > Wireless Connection > Add > Authentication
Phone UI Menu > Basic > Wi-Fi > Known Network(s) > Add > Security
Menu > Basic > Wi-Fi > Known Network(s) > Option > Edit > Security
Description It configures the password of a specific wireless network.
Note: It works only if “RadioOff” is set to 1 (Enabled).
Permitted Values
Default Blank
Web UI Wireless > Wireless > Wireless Connection > connect > Password
Phone UI Menu > Basic > Wi-Fi > Avaliable Network(s) > connect > Password
Author:admin  Create time:2023-08-23 14:52
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-07-29 16:00