You can select a unique ring tone for various groups in your Local Directory.
Note You can only set a ring tone for a group that is added manually.


  1. Select Dir or navigate to Menu > PhoneBook > Local Contacts.
  2. Highlight the desired group.
  3. Select Option > Detail.
  4. Select the desired ring tone from the Ring Type field.
    If a specific ring tone is selected, this group uses the ring tone according to the priority: Contact ring tone>Group ring tone.
  5. Select Save.

You can also do the setting on web interface.


  1. Navigate to Phone > Phone Book > Group Name.
  2. check a tick on the desired line.
  3. Select Edit > Ring
  4. Select the desired ring tone
  5. Navigate to OK > Save&Apply.
Author:admin  Create time:2023-08-21 11:25
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-07-29 16:00