Dial Rule: Controls how calls will be dialed using this line. It can add a Prefix to Matched Numbers and remove Digits by setting Dial Cuts.
On this page, you could configure dialplan rules.


  1. Navigate to SAS > SAS Dial Plan.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill in the dialplan information.
  4. Select OK and Save.
Description It enables or disables the digit map feature.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 0
Web UI SAS > SAS Exten Dialplan > Dial Rule
Description If accept it, the phone can make outgoing calls even if the number rules do not match the digit map rules.
If reject it, when the number rules do not match the digitmap rules, the outgoing calls cannot be made.
Permitted Values 0-Accept
Default 0
Web UI SAS > SAS Exten Dialplan > Unmatched Policy
Parameter Dial_Rule_List
Description It configure account selected when the call rules match and dial rule.
Tips: Dial Rule controls how calls will be dialed using this line. It can add a Prefix to Matched Numbers and remove Digits by setting Dial Cuts.
Permitted Values String For example, Line1|<102:>|Dial Out
Default Blank
Web UI SAS > SAS Exten Dialplan > Add
Dial Rule
1. ‘0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * #’ : Legal characters.
2. ‘x’ : Lowercase letter x stands for one legal character.
3. ‘[sequence]’ :To match one character from a sequence. For example:[0-9]:match one digit from 0 to 9;[23-5*]:match one character from 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or *.
4. ‘x.’ : Match to x,xx,xxx,xxxx, … ; For example?01.’can match’0’?01’?011’?011111?.
5. ‘<’dialed’:’substituted’>’ : Replace dialed with substituted. For example?’<#:23%>xx<#:23%>’,input is ‘#56#’,output is ‘23%5623%’.

The digit map is matched first, and if successful, the call is made from the corresponding fxo.

Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-27 15:36
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20