Stand-alone survivability (SAS) is a resource that allows it to assume the functions of an IP PBX in a limited manner, should the latter become unavailable. This way, it is possible to maintain the basic telephony functions until the IP PBX is made available again. It is a useful resource for environments with a cloud-based IP PBX, for example, where communications need to be kept active in case the connection with the IP PBX becomes unavailable. It is necessary to configure the extensions in a way that the ATA will be defined as a proxy SIP. The survivability module verifies the availability of the IP PBX at a configurable interval of seconds through the SIP OPTIONS command. If there is no response to the SIP OPTIONS command within the defined time interval, its mode of operation is changed from proxy to survival mode.

Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-27 09:41
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20