Devices can add custom routing rules to communicate using different network interfaces using control IP.

Description If it is enabled, it configures classless static routes for DHCP clients in the IP address pool.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 0
Web UI Network > Routing > StaticRoute (Option 121)
Parameter RoutingRules
Description Destination: It configures the destination address.
Host/Net: Both Host and Net selection.
Gateway: It configures the gateway.
Subnet Mask: It configures the Subnet Mask. It only works when Host/Net is set to net.
Interface: It configures the interface.
Comment: It configures the Comment.
Permitted Values Destination,Mask,Gateway,Interface,Unkown,Unkown,Comment
Multiple rules are separated by “;”
Destination: IP Address
Mask: host/net is set to host); IP Address(when host/net is set to net)
Gateway: IP Address
Comment: String
Default Blank
Web UI Network > Routing > Add a routing rule > Destination
Network > Routing > Add a routing rule > Gateway
Network > Routing > Add a routing rule > Interface
Network > Routing > Add a routing rule > Comment
Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-21 17:58
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20