In order to control the impacts brought by broadcast storms, you can divide the local-area network into three VLAN groups.

Parameter vlanCustom
Description It configures the vlan devide mode.
Permitted Values 0-Auto
Default 0
Web UI Network > VLAN > VLAN Divide Model

How to use port vlan

1.Web page port VLAN page is configured here as PVID, where you specify which port’s PVID.

For example: here specify WAN: 1, meaning only VLAN; 1 can specify the WAN for the untag, if the other VLAN set up untag will be given, as follows:

This is a normal prompt, LAN 1,2,3,4 PVID is 2, the same other VLAN can not set the corresponding port is untag

2.For example, you need to send broadcast messages from LAN1, LAN2 can receive, LAN 3 can not receive

1)port vlan_ carry tag, can be configured as follows:

LAN1 can send broadcast packets, LAN2 can receive tag packets carrying VLAN 10, if the message port vlan carry tag.pcap

2)port vlan_ does not carry tag.png

LAN1 can send broadcast packets, LAN2 can receive no tag broadcast message, if the message port vlan does not carry tag.pcap

Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-21 10:56
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20