The following table lists the parameters you can use to configure IP addressing mode for the IPv6 WAN network.

Parameter wanmode_v6
Description It configures the IP addressing mode for the IPv6 wired network.
Permitted Values STATIC IPv6
Default DHCPv6
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Connection Type
Parameter wan_dhcpv6_addr_settings
Description Stateful:The DHCPv6 server automatically configures IPv6 addresses and prefixes, and assigns network configuration parameters such as DNS, NIS, and SNTP servers.
Stateless:The DHCP server allocates only parameters other than the IPv6 address, such as the DNS, NIS, and SNTP server addresses.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to DHCPv6.
Permitted Values 0-Stateless
Default 0
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > DHCPv6 Address Settings
Parameter wan_dhcpv6_prefix_delegation
Description If it is enabled, distribute IPV6 prefixes obtained by the WAN to devices on the LAN.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to DHCPv6 and PPPoE.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 0
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Prefix Delegation
Parameter wan_ipaddr_v6
Description It configures the IPv6 address for the wired network.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to STATIC IPv6.
Permitted Values IPv6 Address
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > IPv6 Address
Parameter wan_prefix_len_v6
Description It configures the IPv6 prefix for the wired network.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to STATIC IPv6.
Permitted Values Integer from 0 to 128
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > IPv6 Prefix Length
Parameter wan_gateway_v6
Description It configures the IPv6 default gateway for the wired network.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to STATIC IPv6.
Permitted Values IPv6 Address
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Default IPv6 Gateway
Parameter wan_primary_dns_v6
Description It configures the primary IPv6 DNS server for the wired network.
Permitted Values IPv6 Address
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Primary DNS Server
Parameter wan_secondary_dns_v6
Description It configures the secondary IPv6 DNS server for the wired network.
Permitted Values IPv6 Address
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Secondary DNS Server
Parameter wan_pppoe_opmode
Description It configures the PPPoE opretion mode.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to PPPoE.
Permitted Values KeepAlive
On Demand
Default KeepAlive
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Operation Mode
Parameter wan_pppoe_optime
Description It configures intervals for sending KeepAlive packets.
Note: It works only if “Operation Mode” is set to KeepAlive.
Permitted Values Integer
Default 5
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Keep Alive Redial Period (0-3600s)
Parameter wan_pppoe_idle_optime
Description It configures the On Demand Idle Time.
Note: It works only if “Operation Mode” is set to OnDemand.
Permitted Values Integer
Default 5
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > On Demand Idle Time (0-60m)
Parameter wan_pppoe_service_name
Description It configures the PPPoE service name for PPPoE authentication. If it is empty, the service name is automatically detected.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to PPPoE.Leave empty to resolve this field automatically
Permitted Values String
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Service Name
Parameter wan_pppoe_creat_method
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to PPPoE.
Permitted Values Share with IPv4
Create A New PPPoE
Default Share with IPv4
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > PPPoE Create Method
Parameter wan_pppoe_address_mode
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to PPPoE.
Permitted Values Dynamical IP
Statical IP
Default Dynamical IP
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > Address Mode
Parameter ipv6_wan_pppoe_user
Description It configures the PPPoE account.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to PPPoE.
Permitted Values String
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > PPPoE Account
Parameter ipv6_wan_pppoe_pass
Description It configures the PPPoE password.
Note: : It works only if “wanmode_v6” is set to PPPoE.
Permitted Values String
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 WAN > PPPoE Password
Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-17 14:30
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20